
Computer note for class 4

  Note of computer: a. Define the term 'computer'? = The term 'computer' is derived from the Latin word 'COMPUTARE', which means to calculate. b. Define system unit? =     c. Define data, hardware, and software? = data is the collection of raw unprocessed facts, figures, and symbols. = Hardware is the physical parts of a computer that can be touched or felt physically. examples: Monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse, etc. = Software is the set of programs that tells the hardware how to perform the tasks.                                                     or = software is the logical part of the computer system that cannot be touched.  D. Questions answers; 1. which was the first calculating device in the world? = Abacus was the first calculating device in the world. 2. who invented the computer? = The computer was invented by Charles Babbage. 3. what is a computer? = A computer is an electronic machine that takes input, processes the input, and gives us the output. or

Hypothetical questions for job interview

  Top 25 hypothetical questions Hypothetical questions  are imaginary questions, not based on facts or realities. It helps to know a person's thoughts, ideas, perceptions as well as psychology. Especially in job interviews, such questions are asked. Because the hypothetical question helps to know if the person's question can be better understood or not. Every problem is solved only if we know what the question is trying to say rather than the answer. Hypothetical Questions are imporatant in Extracurricular Activities so that teacher can understand the ideas of the students as well as this type of questions help them to develop their thinking ability Top 25 hypothetical questions: 1. If you were a food, what food would you be? 2. If humans lost the ability to see all colors except one, which color would you want to survive? 3. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? 4. If your pet could talk, what would it say? 5. What would you wear if you had to wear the same outfi
  unit 1: Introduction to technology 1. what is technology? = Technology is anythings made by humans for making life easier. for example mobile, house, bicycle, knife, computer, etc. 2. Who is the creator of technology? = Humans are the creator of technology. 3. write the advantages of technology. = The advantages of technology are a. we can communicate with each other. b. it saves our time. c. it helps to make our work easier and faster. d. we can buy goods from online shopping. e. we can download music, videos, files, application, etc. f. we can store a lot of data and information on computer. g.we can take online classes. h. it helps to improve the teaching and learning process. 4.  what are the disadvantages of technology? = the disadvantages of technology are: 1. it makes people lazy. 2. it causes health problems. 3. it distracts our focus. 4. being addicted to computer games. 5.we gave lots of time on social sites. 6. it decreases human capacity. 7. it creates unemployment proble

Introduction to technology

  introduction to technology    

Computer Note

    1. which was the first calculating device in the world? = Abacus was the first calculating device in the world. 2. who invented the computer? = The computer was invented by Charles Babbage. 3. what is a computer? = A computer is an electronic machine that takes input, processes the input, and gives us the output. or = A computer is a smart machine that accepts the data and instruction as an input, processes the input, gives the result ( output ), and stores it for future use. 4. what is an input? = Any data and instruction are given to a computer for processing that is called an input. 5. what is processing? = When a computer works on input that is called processing. 6. which part ( component ) of the computer does processing? = The processing is done by the CPU ( central processing unit )  part of the computer. 7. what is the output? = A computer gives results after processing that is called output. 8. what is the basic working principle of all computers? = IPO ( input, processing

Introduction to computer

    unit 1: Introduction to computer   The term 'computer' is derived from the Latin word 'COMPUTARE' which means to calculate. There are two types of personal computers. a. Desktop computer b. Laptop computer